Day 3!

  • Author byronsmummy27
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
so its day 3 for me, and iam loving it! feeling really good about myself. i was an emotional eater, i just kept eating untill i got to the point where i would be so depressed at the food i had just consumed (what a way to live). i used to be a crazy fun loving girl and i want to be her again! i looked in the mirror and not only did i not recognize the person i saw, to tell the truth i didnt like her anymore. but these last 3 days i have felt great about myself and very proud of the way i have been respecting my body, eating healthily.
there have been a few times over the last few days where i have randomly had the thought of "food" pass through my head, not because iam hungry but because thats what my brain was so use to thinking of. i am glad this has been happening because its helped to show myself.. youre NOT hungry! you DONT need to stuff two sandwiches into your body! and that i will survive, i do not have to eat for no reason other than boredom or sadness! haha!
cant wait for the weeks to come, i really beleive this is my time to get back to that happy, fun person and to show my baby byron the best mummy that i can be.


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