Day 2 duro15 second attempt

  • Author missclaire
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
ive been on duro30 4 years ago but i was bad at it and really abused the ‘how easy it was to lose weight’ and now im paying the consequences. I lost 24 pounds within 3 months and i prolonged the use for 1 year. i did wean off for a month before resuming for 3 months and repeat but with my very bad diet its pretty much like zero effort

My mistake was i went too low on calories. Thinking eating less id lose more. It did for the first 3 months then i didnt check the scale anymore and i continue doing what ive been doing while on duro30 for years later. I even went on with atkins. Even with atkins i still went very low on cals max 1000cals and i did lose some more i think i was around 58kg when i stopped. And thats when my problem started. I realized no matter what food i eat or dont i gain weight. No matter how little or normal (bingeing) food i ate i put on weight. It was so depressing.

For years i tried to stop the weight gain. I blame it on my thyroid bcse i developed hypothyroid last year and so 6 months ago i tried intermittent fasting the 16:8 and doing daily cardio making sure to burn at least 300cals before i leave the gym - but im still eating heavy carbs cakes desserts pies and junk bcse i was thinking im allowed a portion each daily of whatever i want bcse ive fasted :( wrong move. But at least the weight gain stopped. It went stagnant.

My biggest flaw is not keeping a scale :( so i lose track. My second biggest flaw is i dont watch what i eat while on diet. Bcse i fast i eat whatver i want including junk (i think this is ok if ure fasting to maintain weight and not for losing) I didnt know i was stalling bcse the last time that i weigh was in february during thyroid check up. I thought i was doing ok with the fasting and that i must’ve been losing some weight adding the cardio. I was terribly wrong. During my recent thyroid check up the scale showed that i have gain almost all the weight that ive lost 4 years ago (3kg shy from full blown) so I have wasted 6 months for nothing. I was feeling so depressed.

Here i am now on duromine again. Even at 15mg im determined to do it right this time. I will eat the exact cals that my body needed to lose 2 pounds per week which is 1100-1200cals (i had to really force myself bcse i wasnt feeling hungry at all) and will stop exercising as i dont want to use all the tools i have in one go. I will hit the gym once im plateaud. Im still doing intermittent fasting but no snacking in between to keep the insuline stable. I have wrecked my metabolisme so bad doing very low cals for years and it will take some time and different measures to fix it right. So frustrating :(

CW : 68 (day 2)
Goal weight : 57-58 with muscles (so if i went off track again - please Dear Lord dont make me - id still be below 65kg lol)

Will weigh in every week starting now. Ive learnt my lesson will buy a scale. I will not be obessing whether or not im losing weight but id be obsessing more about whether or not i gain any im so traumatized by it lol
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