Day 1 Excited!

  • Author Jo66
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Start date 9th August 2018
Start weight 91 kg (BMI 33 )
Height 166.6cm
Goal 74 kg (17kgs in total)
Have been exercising and watching my calories for the past month and have lost 100gms.
Finally went to GP and she suggested I try Duromine 30mg.
She was great and explained all the possible side effects.
Told me to exercise and eat small, nourishing meals.
Back to see her in a month for BP and weigh in.
Fit bit 15,918 steps(10.79 km).
It's 9.22pm and I feel like I could run a mile(and I couldn't run to save my life.
Mineral water and lemon instead of wine.
Day 1 successfully completed.
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Hey Jo66 - any update? I only started last week so would be great to hear about your journey as we seem to have similar starting points and goals. :)
Hi Jo66 and Penelope, Im about to start my journey and I noticed I'm the same weight and height as Jo66. I will follow your progress and let you know how I'm doing.

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