2 weeks on 15mg

  • Author Willbeskinny
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey guys,

Currently 97.7kgs
Goal 80kgs

Wedding in 60 days!

2 weeks in on 15mg.

First week I lost 3.5kgs (felt sad and didn't really care about much, had no appatite) Second week lost nothing. I amam real disappointed when I am eating well, exercising and taking the duromine but had no weight loss. I also felt hunger this week and my sad mood lifted. I returned to my GP today and have increased my dosage to 30mg.

I had my arms and legs waxed on the weekend and I was suprised that I ended up with bruises on both my arms and legs.. do you think there could be a connection to taking Duromine?

I am hoping the next 30 days are successful in losing weight and I really do hope my sad mood stays away..


Hi Willbeskinny! Don’t get discouraged, things will start rolling, if you stay consistent with reasonable healthy eating and your exercises. Besides, you switched to a higher dose, so that might help as well. Stay positive as much as you can!

As for the bruises after waxing. My personal opinion is that it is not Duromine. It is either your individual peculiarity (i.e. very gentle skin, blood capillaries that are located close to the skin surface, etc.) or an improperly performed procedure. You can easily make bruises, if you are waxing in a wrong way. Looking forward to your news and fingers crossed that your mood and motivation stay as high as possible. The wedding is near =) Cheers and a lovely week!

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