10 days on duro

  • Author ASANDAbunce
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I'm not sure whether to be happy or disappointed. Finally got on the scale yesterday Wednesday 13 June 2018. I lost 1.45 kg after 9 days. I guess I expected more, but at least I'm dropping.
SW 88.10 kg
CW 86.65 kg

Funny how my mind tells me I'm losing but the scale is telling me something else. Before duromine I weighed 93.80 kg and managed to get to 88.10 in about two months. From 93.80 kg to 86.65 kg would I see a difference??. This week haven't gone once to gym juggling work and my side business. I'm swamped and I find myself really depressed about not working harder. My diet is okiesh I guess no carbs no sugar and small portions. I don't have much of an appetite but finding myself get very hungry these days.

I'm still aiming for better results each week and not willing to give up. Be a good week or bad I'm in this until I see a huge difference. Would love to hear how are you guys doing.

Good luck


Hi @ASANDAbunce *hugs*

Don't be disappointed! You can do it!!

Firstly have some deep breaths, remind yourself that you have LOST weight!! Geez you had already lost nearly 6 kilos prior and now another 1.4kg!! That's awesome!

Take you measurements! Sometimes when we don't lose the kilo's we are losing the inches :)

I have been meaning to ask your height and what is your goal weight?

A few more deep breaths *hugs* and then honestly assess where you are at.

You know you have been swamped at work, so you haven't gotten to the gym like you regularly do. That in itself could be a factor, especially as you were working out nearly every day?? Exercise quickly for me became a release.. and not just for weightloss and I just bet it has helped you that way too! I quickly found that if I couldn't exercise it affected my whole mood and day!

Are you using some type of calorie counter app? - if not than I highly recommend it :). For me its a godsend, making me aware of every little thing I am putting in my mouth. It also allows me to make better choices in relation to sugars, protein and low GI carbs.

Are you drinking enough water? The more water I drink, the more it seems to help flush the weight, even though I still struggle getting in over a litre nearly every day.

Sleep also can play a factor, especially with your mood - so if you are not sleeping enough, go out and get an over the counter sleeping aid, that will be able to help you ;)

I personally cant eat fruit right now - it makes me crave sugar. It also contains a crap load of sugar even if its the natural kind. Maybe you could look at reducing your fruit intake?

Other people have great success in alternating their calorie intake days - basically tricking their body into thinking it is getting enough all the time, so it doesn't hold on to those pesky fat cells. So on one day you could eat 1400 calories of healthy food, the next down to 1000 and so on. There is a lot of info on the internet in regards to it, so might be worth doing some research?

I know you said you are doing low carb - but are they Low GI? and when are you eating them? If you are having them often for dinner, swap it out for breakfast instead :)

And most importantly be kind to yourself! It's all about the steps you take to reach your goal, not about how fast you get there :).
Hi @Rava*hugs*

Thank yo very much for the motivation. Breathing in and out!!!! Deep breaths *hugs*:):)

Measuring tape tomorrow morning will sure get one. My height is 152 target weight is 75 kg to 70kg. The calorie counter APP I looked there is quite a few ddnt know which one to download.

This weekend my step daughter was turning 14 and her mom had prepared a large meal and desert had starch and sugar and came home late that's a downer. Today I worked again. But tomorrow I will make sure I make time to excersize. I also really feel so down/ depressed if I don't excersize. I actually feel like I'm cheating if I don't excersize.

Will be taking your advice on researching. You don't understand how motivational this has been. Believe me I feel like I can actually do this. The way you have me pumped I'm on a another level now being excited:p:p:p:p. I lost 1.4 kg how cool is that.

Thank you so much *hugs*
@ASANDAbunce I am so glad I was able to give you a boost and feel motivated :). The amount of times this forum has been able to do this for me is amazing and I am really happy to be able to give back :laughing:

Most people starting on Duromine are those who have tried to lose weight so many times, that when we do end up making a mistake with our food, its really hard to move past it. I know for me that I would berate myself constantly and that one time where I had something not healthy became such a bigger deal than it actually was that it would put me in a shitty mood for the rest of week.

Now (thanks to these forums) one of the things I do is just acknowledge that I did slip up, and then say to myself that its over, done and dusted!! It's pointless looking back and beating ourselves up over it, because we cant change it - its already in the past!

Tomorrow is a new day, so just acknowledge the fact that it didn't go to plan and keep moving forward *hugs*

Same as exercise! its one of those things that I know I need to do and if for whatever reason I couldn't, again I would start to feel really crappy! I have been trying to learn how to run and @April gave me some fab suggestions, and now if I cant get out I just hop on the internet, look at you tube and go from there. I also ended up purchasing myself a skipping rope and some resistance bands, so now I have no excuse lol.

Calorie Counters: A lot of people use "My Fitness Pal" and I personally use one called "Lose It" both of these apps are free and you can use them on your phone or computer. Both also have a premium option where if you like it after trying you pay a certain amount and it unlocks some other features. But you never need to buy them - you can just use the free one till the end of time :)

I honestly encourage the research :) for me it has really opened my eyes to a lot of things and its helped me start to learn my own body and what I need to do to start having some control.

Cant wait to hear how you do gorgeous and I hope your weekend is a great one!
@ASANDAbunce hope you are travelling ok?

Hi everything has been well slow. But at least now if I don't go to gym I jog for 45 mins. I don't get it people are seeing like a difference already. I'm very excited and I just want to push more. How are u holding up.
Don't worry about being slow to shift the weight, its all good! Most Dr's will tell you its better to lose slowly as you have less chance of putting it back on!

I also believe it has to do with our diet... if we are eating reasonably sensible to start with, say compared to someone who is eating take away 5 nights a week, I think our bodies will obviously be slower to adjust as we have already minimised certain foods that we know aren't great for us.

It's all good, and thats great @ASANDAbunce that people are noticing :)

You are doing great girl!

How is your mood now that you are getting in your exercise? Is it helping?

I'm travelling along ok - funnily enough not much exercise this week due to an injury, but am watching what I eat and still being satisfied so all good over in Western Australia :)

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