Hi Manna

I have been on duromine for 4 days... and on the third day started experiencing heart palpitations quite alot at the end of my work day... i think it was because i was a little stressed out. I did worry about the palpitations but it just seemed to get worse as i worried more... so when i got home i sat down and relaxed and it went away pretty much straight away. Im going to see how i go in the next few days and if the palpitations get worse i might take them every second day:) ... I know you posted this over a month ago but i hope you are doing ok :) let us know...
Hi, Im from SA, i have been on duromine for about 2 and a half months and so far have lost about 8kgs, i have not been exercising or dieting, but i want to start so the duromine works faster. i have been getting dry mouth alot and sometimes i get cuts on my tongue, i went to the pharmacist and he said its because i need to drink more water. recently ive also noticed that if i DONT eat i feel really sick, like wanting to gag or throw up. is anyone else experiencing this?
Hi there fellow South African,

I started duromine last week (19/11/2012) and the dry mouth on the one hand sucks but on the other has motivated me to drink at lease 4 litres of water a day. I also tend to feel yukky when i don't eat so i've bought some trail mix and dried fruit and snack on this between meals. My doctor told me that it is important to not skip meals and to rather eat smaller meals throughout the day so that you don't mess up your metabolism. I know that is hard because you don't have an appetite and can easily go a day without eating anything and that is why I stock up on fruit and with Summer being here their is such a yummy variety at the market.

With regards to the gagging and nausea, I had that at the beginning but not so bad now although I have developed a few food aversions particularly meat in any form.

I hope that your journey gets easier and you achieve your weight loss goals.

Trich87 said:
Hi, Im from SA, i have been on duromine for about 2 and a half months and so far have lost about 8kgs, i have not been exercising or dieting, but i want to start so the duromine works faster. i have been getting dry mouth alot and sometimes i get cuts on my tongue, i went to the pharmacist and he said its because i need to drink more water. recently ive also noticed that if i DONT eat i feel really sick, like wanting to gag or throw up. is anyone else experiencing this?

Welcome! :)
hi im only 4 days om duro 15mg.. i also feel sick if i dont eat,,sometimes i get dizzy spells or i feel spaced out.. i still get hungry on the 15mg but cant go up to the 30mg as the 30g feels to strong again.. 2ights i slept nice,and now for the other 2 nights i cant sleep again as if i got slight anxiety..im cofused,,
hi im only 4 days om duro 15mg.. i also feel sick if i dont eat,,sometimes i get dizzy spells or i feel spaced out.. i still get hungry on the 15mg but cant go up to the 30mg as the 30g feels to strong again.. 2ights i slept nice,and now for the other 2 nights i cant sleep again as if i got slight anxiety..im cofused,, im also from south africa.. i stared the 15mg on the 25nov 2012
4 litres of water, omg do you spend all day peeing.....lol
Ive been drinking lots of water and I only drink about 1.5 litres, I hate water and im pretty happy with that amount, not sure how your fitting it in, thats a great weight loss for not dieting or exercising too :)
michellestander30 said:
hi im only 4 days om duro 15mg.. i also feel sick if i dont eat,,sometimes i get dizzy spells or i feel spaced out.. i still get hungry on the 15mg but cant go up to the 30mg as the 30g feels to strong again.. 2ights i slept nice,and now for the other 2 nights i cant sleep again as if i got slight anxiety..im cofused,, im also from south africa.. i stared the 15mg on the 25nov 2012

Hi Michelle, it seems that insomnia is the main side effect in your case.. Well on my experience, I tried different things to get rid of it. Let's say books, it wasn't convenient to read in bed though..but I got electronic book. Believe me it makes you sleepy in 10 minutes! I've read somewhere that if you have sleep issues, you should change some rules: air your bedroom at least for 15 minutes before going to bed, soft&nice bedclothes (fancy print maybe?), try to drink a glass of warm milk before sleep, or turn on some calm music on timer. I know it may not remove your problem, but worth to try) ) Because it helped me personally.
Hi there, I have recently started taking 30mg every two days (as instructed by my doctor) and today I feel TERRIBLE. I had my fourth tablet today and I feel extremely tired, extremely nauseated, my body temp keeps going from hot to cold, and my stomach is blown up and hard. Are these common symptoms? I have not called my GP as I thought I will just stick to it until I see him next Thursday. The first few days I only felt the tiredness and I felt hungry. Today however, I couldn't stand looking at food or coffee.
Shall I stick it out for another week or go see my GP?
Please help me as i need to lose about 45kg. ;(
Taking 1x 30mg every second day is weird. Should the doc have just given you 15mg to take every day. By the end of the day that you havent taken one your body would have flushed the majority of it out so instead of adjusting its more than likely just fighting the drug. I felt great the first day I toom my 30mg and the morning after I felt so hungover it wasnt funny. And today the end of my 3rd day I have a heaf ache but thats about it. Very odd. I hope you sort somethjng out!
Indeed weird! Either the dose should be smaller (15mg) or you should take the same (30mg) but every day!. What a strange therapy you have JDT! Once your body starts to get used to pill, the other day it should take off it?? Why so?? Besides it's not a vitamin or food additive, it is a weight loss medicine we are talking about. So, you should better visit your nutritionist one more time and ask what is best. Stay healthy JDT!;)
Hello all!
I just started taking duromine 30mg yesterday and so far i've had no sleep, felt nauseous off and on, felt a little dizzy and i'm very aware of my heartbeat.. i'm not quite sure if its beating faster than normal but either way it's starting to worry me. I do have a perfectly healthy heart so is this something i should be worried about? I'm curious is anybody else had these side effects in the first few days and if they went away? I really don't want to stop taking the tablets because i'm unable to exercise due to back pain and losing this weight will help the pain.
I've also found eating to be really difficult, i don't feel like eating anything at all and when i do i feel really nauseous afterwards.
I'm really hoping this is all normal and will eventually go away!
Hi there,
I'm on Day 3 of 30mg. Normally I'm the sort of person who has every single side effect of anything! I took anti-depressants for a few months last year and felt AWFUL and HAD to stop. I couldn't function. The dizzy, out of body feeling was too much for me to deal with on my own with two littlies. In that case, the treatment was worse than the problem! I felt that way (heart, dizzy etc) on Day 1 of Duromine, but it has settled and pretty much gone today. I drank HEAPS of water yesterday and perhaps that is the reason it was better. Today I feel good.

Try to hang in there (unless you are too worried about your heart) as I've read that most people's symptoms gradually disappear. I'm used to the heart racing as I have anxiety and it just feels like that to me!

My doctor did tell me that 10% of people have side effects that are too serious and it cannot be continued with. Listen to your body and talk to your doctor if you are worried.

Fingers crossed for you.

Cheers (with a BIG glass of water!)
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I too have had side affects but this is day 8 and I'm feeling it's starting to subsyde! I hardly have been sleeping, lightheaded no energy
I'm thinking the light headiness is because I haven't been eating as much as what I should! I haven't had the awareness of the heart beat though! But the other symptoms yes!
Last night my sleep was a lot better and I will be starting gym tomorrow as I didn't go last week because of all my bad side affects I had,
Good luck I hope they improve for you
Thanks guys! Its good to know i'm not alone with the side effects. I guess in the long run my side effects could be a lot worse, my appetite is gone and i have more energy without feeling like i'm high, which is exactly what i wanted to happen. I've been drinking around 5-6 glasses of water a day and drinking 2 cups of green tea. I'll have to give it at least a week for the side effects to calm a bit, i'm not giving up that easy!
Good WhiteRose! You have confidence))
I too had side effects when I was taking Duromne for the first couple of weeks. Lack of sleep included. I remember I used to drink a glass of warm milk before sleep and a book. Better not an interesting one, but boring))) I know this tips is not universal for all people, but..
I have been on Duromine for a while, but stopped taking it the past week. It makes me very moody, something \i am not used to. Does anybody know if it will improve if I keep taking it, or is it just a side effect \i will have to live with?
Perhaps your body starts to change and thus all the rest processes (including hormonal balance) too. Hormones provoke mood swings. Other I don't know...
Hi. I have been on 15mg for 16 days. I had trouble stsying asleep for the first week but thats better now. Dry mouth and thirst i can live with, i drink 2 to A4 litres of water a day. but now i'm experiencing hot flushes, is that normal?

I get them mainly when i cant drink water for a while, like today i was visiting someone and didnt drink for 2 hours and my face just goes hot and red. And also getting pimples. little underskin pimples. I still think these are mild compared to the other side effects i have read about. The flushes are embarassing though..
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