First Week Down!! Results

Emily13975 said:
I hope by the end of the week i can have lost as much as you have! Thats a great result!!
Any tips for me at all? :)
April is the best for tips!
I just am doing what works best for me which is, NOT counting calories, eating lots of fruit and vegetables, nuts for snacks, no sweets, not many carbs but not no carbs just better choices of carbs like wholegrain. I'm not even doing much exercise lately..
I guess what I am finding with duromine is because it takes away a lot of my hunger, I know what I need to do, without the hunger clouding my mind. I know that I need to eat but I'm not hungry so I am going to make sure that what I eat is healthy so it gives my body the sustenance it needs.
If that makes sense.
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I wish it would supress my appetite already, hopefully it does after a week
Yeah i count calouries but im not consuming enough so i need to eat more so my body functions properly! But i do about the same as you but i go to gym every day for an hour :)
Yeah for me the appetite was suppressed almost immediately. Are you on 15mg? Might be worth talking to your doctor about going up to 30. I'm not sure if that will help or not..
And also another reason I've lost weight is because before I started my diet was so bad!! LOTS of chocolates, chips, energy dense foods..
Im on 40mg actually and the only thing i get from it is the weightloss and sickness if i miss a meal by and hour :/
Yeah im the same, soft drink, chocolate, take away everything! Its big for me to have already lost 2kg cause i havent lost anything is awhile. But thankyou :)
Sorry I didn't mean it's not fantastic that you lost 2kg! you're right it IS a big deal and I too hadn't lost anything in a while in fact those 5kg actually had crept on while I'd been denying them! So yeah, well done! Good to see no side effects at the 40mg, I am reluctant to go higher if the 15mg is working for me as I am worried about the side effects. If you find the weight loss seems to stall or you put weight back on, you can try what a lot of people suggest on this forum and have a break for a day and restart it. They say it sort of resets it.
Ohh thats a good idea i never though of that ☺️
Hi ladies! What a nice, productive and supportive chat you have! =)) Just dropping in to wave and say hi! Keep to the conscientious eating and enjoy making proper food choices! Looks like you both found something that works great. =) Slow and steady definitely wins the race, especially when it comes to losing weight. In the long run, losing no more than 1 kg in a week is better than losing 3-5, because such weight fluctuations tend to roll back.

Be consistent with everything you do, eating, exercising, hydrating, sleeping, taking care of your mind, body and skin, and you will see your life changing drastically into the better side. Have a great week!
Thanks heaps, got any suggestions for the nausea? Its helping me loose weight but im not getting energy boosts and getting real bad nausea at night :/
Emily13975 said:
Thanks heaps, got any suggestions for the nausea? Its helping me loose weight but im not getting energy boosts and getting real bad nausea at night :/

Emily, severe or persisting nausea is not a very good thing… If you do eat enough (and you already admitted it), or don’t drink enough (too much), all these can easily cause nausea while on Duromine. There were cases when people had to be taken to emergency care because they did not eat and drink enough while taking Duromine. It’s not a joke! You also exercise 1 hour every day. Your body is sick of you stressing it so much. =) Help it get rid of unwanted deposits in a healthy way. Fuel it enough so that it can bear the loads.

And… it is definitely a reason to consult with your doctor. If it is so bad… Duromine might be wrong for you…

Energy boost is something that comes to a very small percentage of people, really. It is a common effect, yet it’s far from being among the most frequent ones. Besides, like we all know already, you don’t provide your body with sufficient fuel… I hope that you will revise your menu a little and that your nausea subsides.

PS. You might try eating a piece of something harmless to address the issue of nausea at night…
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Hi guys ok week 3 update.
So last week I said how I scraped in a smidgen under 80 at 79.9. Well to be honest I didn't hold much faith in that number. I mean 100g...that can fluctuate depending on the time of day! BUT i am pleased to say, it must have been true! Because here we are at the end of week 3 and I have just weighed in at the same number, 79.9. Sure, I haven't lost weight but there are possibly a few reasons for that this week. I have lost size- I've lost 5cm from my waist and 5 from my hips. My clothes are starting to fit again. I'm able to get my wedding rings on again. I am feeling so happy with how it's going. The only annoying thing is people keep asking me if I'm pregnant since I'm drinking decaf and not drinking alcohol! And because I'm not telling people that I'm on duromine, I'm just sharing with you guys, I guess I feel like this is the only place I can share these victories.
congrats Julie! I am on 30mg and I lost about 1.5kg in 4 days. Initially, I started to do calorie counting but now I am learning how to portion control instead. I am also hoping to see the number 7 too. I'm starting with small goals, I want to see my first 5 kilos off!!!
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Julie28 said:
Hi guys ok week 3 update.
So last week I said how I scraped in a smidgen under 80 at 79.9. Well to be honest I didn't hold much faith in that number. I mean 100g...that can fluctuate depending on the time of day! BUT i am pleased to say, it must have been true! Because here we are at the end of week 3 and I have just weighed in at the same number, 79.9. Sure, I haven't lost weight but there are possibly a few reasons for that this week. I have lost size- I've lost 5cm from my waist and 5 from my hips. My clothes are starting to fit again. I'm able to get my wedding rings on again. I am feeling so happy with how it's going. The only annoying thing is people keep asking me if I'm pregnant since I'm drinking decaf and not drinking alcohol! And because I'm not telling people that I'm on duromine, I'm just sharing with you guys, I guess I feel like this is the only place I can share these victories.

Julie! Congratulations on holding on to this magic number! See, it is quite possible that your body needs time to adjust for the weight loss, and during this week your body was adjusting the volumes. =) Great loss in circumference and congrats on getting back into new clothes. Ain’t that a pleasant feeling?! =)))

I am really happy that you feel safe here to discuss your journey. It is very important to share your feelings. Weight loss is a difficult thing from so many aspects, including the mental one. Keep strong and forward to your goals.

Did you decide on what to do to shift the weight a bit? If you need any advice, let’s see what you already do and what small changes can make the ball rolling again. =) Have an amazing day and a super cool weekend!
Hi April
Well I decided to skip a day to trigger the duromine to restart again.
That was Saturday and I actually didn't eat too badly, stuck to my plan, but went to a friend's place in afternoon and had a scone with jam and cream, but that's ok I knew I was going to do that. Then have weighed myself today and it's back up to 80.4 bit that's ok...
So the other part of the plan to get it moving is to increase the exercise, I tried last week and did ok but I will add more this week too.
And then I've got to go back to the doctor this week for my repeat script and I will discuss with her about going up to 30, I was reluctant to do it because I'm concerned about the side effects being greater and also no real benefit - can you explain how the 30 is better than the 15?what I mean is, does it just reduce the hunger, because I'm already satisfied with the hunger suppression, and I worry if it was suppressed more I just wouldn't be eating at all, or does it increase the fat burning properties, sorry not fat burning but the property the drug has where it blocks the action of the neuropeptide that tells your body you are in famine mode so you need to conserve energy. If that effect is heightened then it might be worthwhile but if just hunger then I won't bother I don't think.
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Hey guys
The magic number has shifted - 79.1 this morning!!!
Seems the day off worked to trigger a restart!
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Hi Julie! Congrats! Hopefully, the ball keeps rolling nice and smooth. Well done on the exercise increase plan. Just make sure that you don’t overdo it. On days, when you exercise heavily, you need to increase your daily caloric value through healthy foods to make sure that your body is fueled properly.

As to your question about the effects of 30 mg compared to 15 mg, the answer is: all effects are increased. That is, the appetite suppression, and the thermogenic effect, AND the side effects. This is in theory, However, no one can every tell you 100% precisely, how your body will respond to it and what effects you will get enhanced.
Thanks @April! Well I haven't had a lot of side effects other than slight jitteriness and the dry mouth, I haven't had the burst of energy since week 1..I'll see what my doctor says when I go tomorrow!
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Well my dr has suggested as the 15mg is working that I stay on the 15. So that's what I'm doing
Did he give you any suggestions on eating and exercising at all?
April said:
Did he give you any suggestions on eating and exercising at all?
No, seemed happy with my approach.
I know I need to do more exercise, am working on it
Good on you Julie! Really happy with how you go and regard this journey. Hope you have a good day!

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