I’m only there for two weeks. My partner lives/works away from home so I only see him 3-4 times a year. Normallly we go to Europe but this time USA to plan our destination wedding.

I’m taking my pills every day as I think I should be finished around July 11-12th.
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Hi everyone my name is Sharyn. I started on Duromine 15mg for the 1st time on Friday. I've been trying to lose weight most of my life to be honest but nothing has really worked well nothing long term. This also has to do with PCOS which effects my hormone levels & caused me to require IVF to have my now 3yr old son. So i went to my doctor to discuss trailing optislim but she felt as i am already on a low calorie diet & with my hormone imbalance it wouldn't work alone so prescribed duromine 15mg to help. My 1st day was Friday which was tricky as I'm a permenant night shift worker...so on work nights i need to take it at night & then swap back to morning. This has been hard. I haven't had a lot of side effects a bit of dry mouth is the worst. I was a little doubtful tjat it would work for me (as nothing before has) but after the 1st few days & averaging 1kg weightloss each day I'm a beliver. I am sticking to a 1200 cal diet & using optislim as a lunchtime meal as to be honest I'm struggling to eat a full 1200 cals. I'm noticing that I'm starting to feel hungry after about 12hrs but drinking some water or a green tea seems to help. Most of my family don't know I'm using duromine but my mum is very supportive. My husband unfortunately can be part of my problem as he doesn't feel i need to lose any weight & van understand why its so important to me but he'll come around. I don't expect to come out of this looking like a supermodel i like my curves but i would like to get down to between 75-80kg & reduce my health risks. Thanks for listening.
So hear goes another day...not a great day today feeling a bit down. Yesterday although i tried hard with food we had dinner out with family for my son & dad's birthday which meant less control over food. While I've had weightloss everyday since starting duromine today i stayed the same...taking the high road thou & putting it to the universe that it could be worse i could have gained. My biggest take away from yesterday is empty calories = waking up feel hungry the next day! Oh well back on the wagon today i will do better!
Rachel Fitton said:
Maybe you girls @Rava @Lottie86 should take some pills away with you for back up.
Take one every 3 days if you feel the need to. In saying that going overseas for a holiday is just that! A time to relax, enjoy and not have to worry bout our day to day lives at home. Have that pizza or wine or cake with a mindful approach to it. Being concious of whats going in your mouth...if its going to be not so healthy...make sure its bloody delicious...lol
Have what you want ...dont deny yourselves....maybe not the whole cake instead. Dont stress or worry bout too much ...just enjoy your travels and be safe

Thanks so much @Rachel Fitton *hugs*
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@SGH dont forget if you keep feeling hungry you could always go back to your GP and ask for a higher dose :)

I have read on the forums here that it is quite usual for your GP to start you out on the lowest mg and if it doesn't knock back the hunger to go to 30mg next.
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Hey ladies...I had to go get my 2nd month of Duromine this morning. Officially it will be 4 weeks tommorrow, I will check stats then show then. My doctor isnt my regular one I use and hasnt got much of a bedside manner to say the least..lol. Anyway his scales are about 2 kilos out by my one or vice versa. He said I've lost 6 kilos in a month but mine say 5.1...lol..then he said thats too much in a month to lose...
I just thought for gods sake just write 2nd month perscription so I can get outta here!
I thought driving off...so last month your telling me to excercise eat less etc...making me feel more of dick than I already felt.....and this month making me feel same because I lost too much weight?
Go figure! I'm not too fussed about it really just having a whinge ...lol
Did any of you ladies find your scales different to the docs as well? Just curious?
Like I said I'm sticking with mine to monitor. Love to hear your experience. .thanks ✌
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Rachel Fitton said:
My doctor isnt my regular one I use and hasnt got much of a bedside manner to say the least..lol. Anyway his scales are about 2 kilos out by my one or vice versa. He said I've lost 6 kilos in a month but mine say 5.1...lol..then he said thats too much in a month to lose...
I just thought for gods sake just write 2nd month perscription so I can get outta here!
I thought driving off...so last month your telling me to excercise eat less etc...making me feel more of dick than I already felt.....and this month making me feel same because I lost too much weight?
Go figure! I'm not too fussed about it really just having a whinge ...lol
Did any of you ladies find your scales different to the docs as well? Just curious?
Like I said I'm sticking with mine to monitor. Love to hear your experience. .thanks ✌

@Rachel Fitton Geez thats what I hate about not going to your regular GP. I understand the questions they ask because thats just sensible, but to be berated for losing too much!!? bloody hell! Don't feel like a dick gorgeous - just know that you are doing what you are supposed to. As a Dr, he more than most should understand that everybody's bodies are different and work at different speeds!!

For myself I now see 2 doctors regularly. A lovely lady whom I started off seeing for my womens stuff and who quickly became my regular GP, and then a gent who again is gorgeous, and that I see when I cant get in to see her.. Both now know me and my family which makes it a hell of a lot easier to ask questions and have a good old discussion regarding diagnosis and options. Its just comfortable now with both and I like knowing if I cant get in to see one, I more than likely can with other as they both work different days :)

My Dr's scales were 2 kilos out compared to mine. On my monthly check in, my scales told me 4.8kg down - theirs I was 6.8kg! I have to admit to not looking at the weight on the scales when I was first prescribed (didn't want too!) so theirs might have said that I weighed 2kg's more? But the first day of taking Duromine, I checked my own scales and used that as my starting weight. Hence the reason I just work off them now :)
My scales are out by 3kgs.

A lot of doctors get worried with rapid weight loss because they know it can pile straight back on just as fast, depending on the patient (which ends up being another issue). Mine wasn’t worried that I had lost so much in under 8 weeks because he knows the type of person I am but did mention it’ll slow down at a certain point. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
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Lottie86 said:
My scales are out by 3kgs.

A lot of doctors get worried with rapid weight loss because they know it can pile straight back on just as fast, depending on the patient (which ends up being another issue). Mine wasn’t worried that I had lost so much in under 8 weeks because he knows the type of person I am but did mention it’ll slow down at a certain point. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

Hey @Lottie86 first off I missed that you are planning a destination wedding!! Have fabulous is that!!

I understand the rapid weight loss with the implication that it could be gained back quickly, but I just thought as it is @Rachel Fitton first month on Duromine, then some of that weight would be "water weight" and thought that the Dr would take that into consideration?
Rava said:
@SGH dont forget if you keep feeling hungry you could always go back to your GP and ask for a higher dose :)

I have read on the forums here that it is quite usual for your GP to start you out on the lowest mg and if it doesn't knock back the hunger to go to 30mg next.

Thanks Rava my doctor started on the lower dose as I'm a lifetime sufferer of depression & anxiety & duromine isn't really meant to be prescribed to me. I think she is planning to up the dose once we see what effect it has on my condition. I'm on weekly visits to monitor throughout. Thank u again for the advice.
Sounds like you have an awesome Dr :)

How are you feeling today?
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Rava said:
Hey @Lottie86 first off I missed that you are planning a destination wedding!! Have fabulous is that!!

I understand the rapid weight loss with the implication that it could be gained back quickly, but I just thought as it is @Rachel Fitton first month on Duromine, then some of that weight would be "water weight" and thought that the Dr would take that into consideration?

I must be pretty lucky my dr is awesome. I was so bummed when I found out about water weight lol.
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Thanks Rava my doctor is really supportive & seems to understand the importance of me losing the weight even in relation to my depression. I had a bit of a bad day today i have a head cold & feeling a bit run down. Also very suprised how much none processed whole foods you can consume on a 1200 cal diet! Giving myself a small treat tonight of low fat ice cream & milo (my remaining calories & fat allowance are more than enough). Been trying to keep to high protein low fat diet (allowing 30g fat per day) with moderate carb intake of around 150g per day. Hoping this is the right thing to do . No weightloss again today but i did a gym workout yesterday & went for a walk today. I'm really missing bread but i know its 1 of my worst enemies! Hopefully the cm's will show on Monday.
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I am so glad you have a GP that is really supportive @SGH *hugs*

It's the time of the year for colds to start creeping up on you here in Australia and my hubby last week was looking like he might get some type of head cold too. Do you take any vitamins? Zinc and Vitamin C will help your immune system, whilst giving it a little boost. I swear it helps reduce the symptoms of a common cold :)

In regards to your diet - everyones body reacts differently to different foods - so its great that you are tracking what you are eating, as it will allow you to change it up if you need to or want to in the future!

My diet is pretty similar :). I tend to focus on high protein, healthy fats and low carb (for me I try and keep it under 60g) But if I need to change it up I do!

A few weeks ago I was having little to no energy around 3 - 4pm - but just by adding some rolled oats every other day to my breakfast, it really did give me a boost. I generally use either Uncle Tobys or the good old Quaker Oats - both made from wholegrain and very similar in the nutrient breakdown. - No sodium in Quaker though :)

Half a cup: 150 calories, 27g carbs, 1g sugar, 5g protein.

And.... I hear you about bread! I absolutely love it!!!! But like you I know that its probably my worst enemy too! If I really decide I cant do without it, I try and limit it to the morning. My goto is a slice of Rye bread (which is quite dense and heavy) but is just yummy!!

One slice is: 90 calories, 16g carbs, 1g sugar, 3g protein
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Thanks Ladies... @Rava & @Lottie86 for your input
Glad to know its just not my scales being out of whack..lol
Yes @Rava water weight helped the loss for sure.. its funny although we know it still gives you that motivation when you see those scales go down ..
I haven't weighed this week...been feeling a bit off, I think because I ate something with too much cream and fat which gave me tummy aches and dirrohrea. Then got headaches obviously a bit dehydrated too, so been getting better with taking water and sticking with foods that suit my tummy again..lol
It has amazed me how my body wont put up with rich foods that has too much fat etc in only a month! I'm actually glad its happened to me to see how my diet and choices have changed since being on duromine
Tuning into what your body needs to add fuel than eating junk is quite liberating.
Consistency is key....thats my mantra!
Whatever those scales say I know what Im doing is going to shift those kilos ...eventually. The fear like most of us is after we finish our course how are we going to go? My aim is to keep going....and realise those kilos might take longer to lose and cravings might come back. Mindset I will use and go back to see how far Ive come so far and not to give up.
Lets hope anyway
Hope you ladies are are happy with your journey so far ...
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@Rachel Fitton thank you for your lovely post over on my thread *hugs* calmed me down hugely :)

Water weight is a funny thing, I didn't really understand it until I started looking in to it, and then it made sense. Your weight loss though @Rachel Fitton has been very consistent and even! Can I ask how your meals were prior to Duromine? When looking at your numbers it leads me to believe that your diet was not out of control and more balanced - basically you just needed to tweak?

Your definitely right about consistency! and I had the same reaction to fatty food! Played havoc with my stomach in the early hours of the morning!

Your words are inspirational and very motivating for me - so thank you xx
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So lovely to say @Rava thankyou X
Ditto to you as you are a great support and your knowledge that you share is so helpful!
My problem with food is unfortunately I'm an emotional eater...
When Im in the right headspace I can be super healthy and active yet when Im not I tend to eat my feelings ...if Im stressed...sad..anxious..ect....
And usually when Im like this I eat those comfort yummy foods ...that aren't that great for the hips...lol
Its always been a battle my whole life...Im definitely improving and tackling this yo yo weightloss/ weightgain thing I do.
When my kids dad and I seperated 5 years ago you would of thought I would of chucked in on....wrong...something clicked and I lost 23kilos...and got to 68 kilos! Excercised heaps did bootcamps walks, gym. I never looked better and so felt it too..lol
I found it really hard to stick to that weight...so I let my body find the right weight for me to maintain...that was 75 kilos. I kept that weight for 2 years....and the last 3 slowly crept back on...sigh
The last 5mths was when I gained 8 kilos very quickly through medications and the stress of a 3 deaths of loved ones in a space of 3 months.
I was at a loss ...felt so unhealthy uncomfortable...ugly...ect. So I knew duromine was my only option to kickstart my weightloss journey. Ive had duromine before and I lost weight but didnt really take my diet seriously for it to work properly. This time I am! My headspace is in top form and Ive ridden the toxic people in my life and have made a beautiful circle of friends and family surround me. Im doing things in my life that creates pleasure and happiness so now thats sorted....my body is next...lol
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Gotcha! I know that feeling of being an emotional eater! I too was like this in my late teens to early twenties, and it took me a really long time to overcome it. Basically I was eating because of a set of circumstances that had happened, and I really didn't want any one to see me anymore. Eating was comfort and it made me feel protected.

That being said, I have never been a skinny person. My frame is a large one (I believe), my shoe size is a 9 and just like you its something that I have struggled with my whole life.

I really think that moment of clarity where you just get it, is probably the thing that we most aspire to achieve again. Definitely for me that "head space" for sure!

I have no doubt that you lovely lady with all that you have been through and all that you have done are in that right space again for it to just "click". I know you will succeed, just look at what you have done already!
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Hello ladies...been a bit slack on my progress ..here we go.
SW 100.8
CW 95
GW 75
Week 1: 1.8 loss
Week 2 : 1.4 loss
Week 3 : 1.9 loss
Week 4 : 500 grams
5.8 kilos lost so far
I'm happy with my achievements so far, weeks 3 and 4 kinda overlapped each other as I weighed a few days after week 3 so thats why those 2 numbers are such a contrast.
I think my 2nd month might slow down a bit with the numbers as I dont feel the full affects of duromine that it did a couple weeks ago. I'm feeling hunger and have that need to eat compared to no appetite or interest in food.
Im taking that as a positive tho as I know once off duromine I will have to face that feeling fully! So I still need to train my brain not to give in to cravings and be disciplined. I have also tested not having a morning dose too. Its weird to explain but some mornings I have thought...I really dont want to take one today. So I haven't...lol. Its been ok so far...I havent gone over 2 days without it but just wanted to see how I felt alternating my intake.
I still feel its still in my system but I feel a bit more myself and have less side effect symptoms too. Less dry mouth, better sleep, not as irritable etc.
Anyway will be interesting to see how this second month goes...lol
Hope you all are still going strong in your journey..blessings x
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