Still in shock...

  • Author StarryG
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Okay, so I weighed and measured myself this morning and I am being a bit slow to be excited, I think:

Can I really see a 3.3 kg loss? I have never lost so much in one week. Although such a loss was recorded, and there is a small change in my size, I don't feel any different. My clothes still fit the same. Maybe it is too soon to tell, as I am certainly quite large to begin with... The only things that didn't reduce are my boobs *lol*, my stomach (I prefer the term "solar plexus") and my abdomen.
I think I am a bit afraid to be happy about it. Quite obviously the Duromine is finally working, but previously when I lost weight, I always put it back on again. I guess I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Yesterday, I could have sworn I would not post a negative figure on the scales this morning.
What is with me?? I am normally such an optimistic person, and that kind of weight loss would have me over the moon. I lost more than some of the contestants on "The Biggest Loser: Transformed" this week, but I still have my doubts. It just doesn't feel real...
But the stats are there... A 2.95% weight loss. Time I start getting used to it...
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You go girl!! Thats great, i hope by the time in my journey that you are i will loose that much :laughing:
Thanks, Emily :) I am sure you will! My biggest change is slowing down my eating. Making sure my brain can keep up with my intake :)
Maybe you kind of superstitious about your weight loss. Because you want it so much, so you are afraid to flush out your luck. But you know what? I learnt that thoughts and words can materialize. So you must believe in what you're saying and say it to yourself to make happen. It worked for me, try it. Just say out loud: "I lost my first 3.3 kg and I see the difference! Wow! I can do more". And this plan will start to work out, little by little you will move forward, I'm sure of that. :cool:
It is a good start believe me. And you said it right - the bigger you are, the less visible the weight loss at first. Give it some time and make weekly pictures. They show the difference in body shape better than you might see in the mirror. You don't have to show them to anybody, just do them for yourself. And when you feel down, demotivated, just pick up the picture of you week or two weeks ago and look at the difference. It's the best motivation.
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Hi StarryG! Now that is success! Congratulations, dear!!!

I guess, I have nothing really to add to what Kate said, still I could not but put my two cents worth. =0)) It’s simply impossible!

Well… I have seen it quite a lot in various people who were on their way to lose a lot of weight, and yes

1. You don’t notice any change yet, because you need to lose just a little bit more to make it visible

2. You lose weight on every inch of your body, so don’t expect to see a sharp volumes reduction in places you want them reduced the most. When you take a new soap bar and wash your hands with it for a day, you don’t notice any changes… since it melts uniformly on each side. Same thing with your body.

3. You prefer wearing stretching clothes, which never really hasten to show any weight loss. =0) Take a clothing piece that always remains the same size and form, and put it on once in a while. (taking photos is the best idea, though. Kate is 100% right)

4. You might be one of people, who, won’t believe they lost any weight until they hear compliments from first people noticing it. =0) Yep, that’s also possible.

So, stop being harsh on yourself. Give yourself a deserved hug, absorb this motivating result and keep going 200%. =) All the best to you, and yes, time you start getting used to it. =) BRAVO!
Hi StarryG, it’s been some time since you last posted anything about your progress. Is everything ok? Are you still pushing it? Did you get energized with some optimism? Hope you did and don’t post anything simply because you again can’t believe how good the results are. =)

Whatever it is, hope on hearing from you soon and wish you a great day!

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