Scared :(

  • Author StephanieBella15
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hello everyone.

I'm 23 years old and weigh 100 kilos. I'm classified as extremely obese because of my height. I've been so upset about it for so long and hate the way I look. It's really affecting my self esteem. Clothes don't look good. Nothing does. But I cant seem to get motivated at all to lose weight, or stick to a diet. So I went to my doctor and asked for Duromine. The first thing he did was tell me how terrible it was and that if it were up to him, he wouldnt allow it to be on the market.

He told me all the side effects including cardiac arrest and stroke, and all the others, and it has made me really scared to take it. The way he said it he made out like I could die using it.

But I want to lose weight :( I dont know what to do. Are the side effects really that terrible? If it was this dangerous why would it still be on the market?

I would appreciate any positive comments as to what people think I should do... I'm so miserable right now.


There are possible side effects, as with any drug you take. Different people react in different ways so it's impossible to say what side effects you will experience as an individual. I have been on 30mg Duromine for 11 days now, and have experienced dry mouth, and a couple of restless nights. Now I'm in my second week my body seems to have got used to it and I feel normal. Eating really healthy, and small portions, I'm losing wieght quickly and it's working for me. All you can do is research yourself and if you feel it's still worth trying then get a prescription from your doctor and see how you go.

Good luck!
laura kate
My doctor was the same. But i told her, i could have a stroke or cardiac arrestfrom NOT doing anything about it. If it happens i want it to happen on the way up. Not the way down haha

Duromine 40mg is a life saver for me. Im 5,7 and started at 147kgs! 23kgs down in under 3 months with little effort on my part.

Go for it and take your life back! Im 25 and although fat, i consider myself pretty and i just thought to myself... im never going to look this young and pretty again in my life.. haha my 20s are nearly up! Time for my body to reflect how i feel and man does it feel good already.

One hint.. you loose the most weight in the first month so really jump in and smash it and you could loose 15kgs in a month. I did! And everyday on the scales is a new number and makes me ao happy! Good luck and i hope you succeed and find your happiness! Xxxxx
Thanks for the support! Yeah I thought the same thing when my doctor prescribed it to me.
I'm on the 30mg at the moment, but my doctor said after the first month he may increase it.

Were you on the 30 mg before? Did you feel a difference between the different amounts?

It's awesome that you're so positive. I have never been anywhere close to thin since I was a young child, so for me my goal is to have some sort of nice shape to my body eventually!

Thanks again for the support.
laura kate
Yes, my dr said start my first month at 30mg and i felt little to no change. I was still hungry and felt no different. 2nd and currently 3rd month i am on 40mg and the difference is huge to me. Energy boost, not hungry. Food actually makes me a little sick haha im still sleeping fine. Only side affect i have is a resting heart rate of between 100-120 (normal is about 80-90) for my age. But dr said that was fine. What that means is my heart is pumping like im constantly excersising. Hence the weight loss.
Yay 40mgs haha

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