Recent content by Tamaraj

  1. Tamaraj

    Drinking Water?

    Good work I know it's hard, but try not to get on scales during week. Only do it once a week I know at the start of my journey I was getting on them all the time and then when I didn't see a change or saw a little increase I got down about I get on every Monday and love seeing result
  2. Tamaraj

    Duromine and Headache

    Hi all....I have been on duromine for a few months now and for the last week I've had the worst headaches of my life. I get them every afternoon but now some are coming at lunch. Today it was 930am, I took some pain killers as I was at work and by 1 I had to go home. Could hardly move, vomiting...
  3. Tamaraj

    Newbie here! Im Excited to Start.

    Hi, I was 99kg at the start of the year and went to the gym 4 days a week and was eating healthy. I had lost a few kgs but was so hungry all the time and then my weight loss really didn't go anywhere. I told my doctor about it as ive also had a lot of other medical issues and he suggested it to...
  4. Tamaraj

    Duromine Day 1

    I feel normal now, been on it a while though. I drink about 2-3 L a day, more if I have my gym class on. Sometimes I wake up at night and feel a bit odd but doesn't happen often
  5. Tamaraj

    Food & Diet Plans

    Hi, sorry to hear it hasn't been working. I don't eat carbs at all, once in a while I will have a slice of sourdough bread but that's it (and I LOVE my carbs). I only have fruit for breakfast as I have never been a big breakfast eater. No soft drink, alcohol or snacks. This may sound hard but...
  6. Tamaraj

    Duromine Day 1

    I started on the 15mg and just gone up to the 30. I was getting some headaches and just feeling 'yuk' and my doctor told me that I had to drink lots and lots of water. And because I wasn't hungry I wasn't eating as I was just busy and didn't stop. so I have to make sure I eat, even if its...
  7. Tamaraj

    Welcome to the 80's

    Well I did it! Am now into the 80's by 2.1 kgs! It is such a good feeling that I think I will be wearing this smile on my face all day. I have never really put much time and effort into myself and now that I am I wonder why I didn't do it years ago. As mothers most of us put our kids first and...
  8. Tamaraj

    Duromine Week 1

    Oh no....that's sad news....I hope he will be ok :)
  9. Tamaraj

    Duromine Week 1

    Is anyone doing this anymore? Well my week in review is.... Monday 28th April - Sunday 4th may Weigh in Last week 92 ( but on weight on holidays) This week this week 90.0 Lost 2kgs My stats Start weight 95.2 Current weight 90.0 Goal 70 My exercise this week has been back to normal, did not...
  10. Tamaraj

    Pain Killers

    I've had a few headaches on it and I've taken them and no side effects
  11. Tamaraj

    My jeans fit!!

    Hi everyone. The weather has gotten so cold here and going out last night I had the dreaded task of deciding what to wear when my clothes are too small....I know I could go buy more, but I live 300klms from the shops and decided if I bought bigger sizes then I wouldn't have as much motivation to...
  12. Tamaraj

    Duromine Day 2

    im really thirsty too, its annoying actually because its so cold where I live at the moment I only want hot tea, not cold water to drink Not sure what you can do about the sleep, I have some nights where I wake up at 1am and then don't go back to sleep until about 3 or 4. But then its really...
  13. Tamaraj

    Duromine Day 2

    what strength are you on? are you eating enough and drinking enough water? I was getting like that but I realised I wasn't eating enough....because I wasn't hungry I forgot about eating but once I started eating more, I was ok....I think you are meant to eat healthy snacks twice a day (that's...
  14. Tamaraj

    Newbie introduction

    I hear what you are saying.....I was always so skinny and active and then had my boy 6 years ago and then was a single mum and we found out he was I have thrown everything into him and completely forgetting about myself. I have now found a wonderful man and we are getting...
  15. Tamaraj

    Duromine Week 1

    Hello everyone, just got back from holidays and put on weight :( knew it was going to happen. We were renovating a house and had no cooking facilities so it was all eating out ....only put on 0.2 so I'm ok with that. Back on the wagon now....bring on a good result this week ....hope you are all well