Recent content by Sunita

  1. S

    Having Side Effects - When Will They Stop

    Hi. Thanks for the reply. Yes back again after a 4 month hiatus. Hopefully only need a months supply to get down to my GW. on day 5 now and the restless legs and insomnia have virtually gone. Down 1.5k so now at 60.5kg, GW is 57kg. Question re RAISED HEART RATE. At rest still around...
  2. S

    Having Side Effects - When Will They Stop

    So back on 15mg tabs after a 4 month break. Weight has plateaued at 60kg and so asked doctor for just a months supply to kick start the process. 3 days in and still have insomnia, however I also get an odd restless type feeling in my legs and itchy arms when trying to sleep. I’m taking the...
  3. S

    Break From Duromine - What Did You Do?

    Thanks Dre. I switched to Duromine a few weeks ago (different thread) but after 3 days I experienced a tachycardia episode and it really freaked me out - so stopped taking if . Now going to ask doctor for 15mg of Panbesy again. I know they are both phentemine and it’s just one is slow release...
  4. S

    Break From Duromine - What Did You Do?

    So I came off duromine 15mg in December after having been on it on/ off for about 4 months. During the 4 months , I lost about 12KG and had very few side effects - little bit of insomnia in first few days which soon disappeared. Since December my weight has stayed the same (61k) I really want...
  5. S

    Duromine Day 3

    Hi April . I’ve actually stopped today . Previously I was taking Panbesy 15mg and had no side effects whatsoever. This time round I’m on Duromine 15mg and yesterday my heart was racing, I was very dizzy and felt like I was going to pass out. I’ve never had this reaction before so it freaked...
  6. S

    Duromine Day 3

    water intake hasn’t actually increased vs normal. I know people say they get a dry mouth etc but I’ve never experienced that, so have not increased water intake
  7. S

    Duromine Day 3

    I’ve just restarted taking Duromine after around. 6 month break. Kept off the 12kg I lost first time round, but found that I had plateaued so have got another months supply to kickstart the weight loss here’s the odd thing - first time round, I lost a 1kg in first 3 days. This time I’ve...
  8. S

    Should I Keep Taking Duromine While I Have A Cold?

    Great - love it. I just got back from a week in Phuket, Thailand where we enjoyed the most glorious food / restaurants. Had to have willpower to stay off all the lovely high carb desserts. Weighed myself yesterday on return to Singapore and amazingly, I’ve lost 0.2kg during the week. Total...
  9. S

    Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

    That’s the hard part - it’s gotta be a lifestyle change, otherwise once your off the tablets the weight will just pile on. Off on holiday to Thailand on Sunday with all inclusive dining - worried i will over indulge and all the effort over last month will be for nothing - willpower needed !!!
  10. S

    Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

    Hi - I tend to have the same thing Everyday, 40gms of Kellogg’s almond granola with a splash of milk. 26gms of carbs which is a fair bit when on Low carb diet aswell. I’ve not touched pasta, bread , potatoes or rice for a month now !!! I then do 1 hour at the gym (in the home luckily) in...
  11. S

    Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

    Hi there. I had exactly same symptoms and was on 15mg tabs aswell. My insomnia and racing heart disappeared after about a week in. Since then no side effects whatsoever, appetite generally suppressed although still eating 3 small meals per day. Also following a <70gms Low carb diet which has...
  12. S

    Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

    I’ve just finished my first month on 15mg tablets and have lost 4.1kg , another 8kg to go to hit target weight and several cm off hips, weight and breasts. I’m wondering whether it’s safe to start another months course (doctor is happy to prescribe) as I don’t want to become too dependent on...
  13. S

    Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

    Thanks - do you mean take 2 x 15mg tablets every 2 days instead of daily. Would the ‘drug’ still be in my system on the day when I’m not taking it.
  14. S

    Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

    I’ve been on 15mg tabs for 13 days now and have lost 2.7kg total. I had insomnia and a raised heart beat for first few days. However I now have zero side effects and feel great all the time. However over past 48 hours I’ve noticed that my appetite is not as suppressed as it was at the...