Recent content by Pennyb1

  1. P

    Break From Duromine - What Did You Do?

    The side effects were getting to much especially mixed with my other medication. I realised given up my antidepressants completely were not a good idea. Things have been so crazy busy at work that I felt that I couldn't feel like that at the moment. I need my job. And i was scared i was becoming...
  2. P

    Duromine Day 3

    I told my mom which was a mistake. I told my sister hoping she would try lose some but she wasn't interested. I told my boyfriend which was a mistake. My colleage at work knows because we started together and her doctor got us the pills.
  3. P

    Duromine and Heart Issues

    Just remember that coming off anti anxiety pills is one thing. Coming off them and going on to duromine is the extreme. It probably wouldn't be recommend by a doctor. You just have to way up the pros and cons and decide if it is worth it. For me I've been miserable with my weight so it has...
  4. P

    Duromine and Heart Issues

    Are you on any other medication? It might be having a bad effect with the duromine.
  5. P

    Duromine Month 2

    Wow amazing
  6. P

    Anyone Else Need To Pee All The Time?

    Yes it's a nightmare but I did have a bladder infection before I started so I hope it gets better.
  7. P

    Duromine Day 2

    Well done so far. Is it really possible to lose that much weight in 10 weeks?