Recent content by MyTime

  1. M

    Duromine Day 1

    Weigh the same today as yesterday was my day off the no alcohol train  had a few drinks after work but food wise I was really good. Back on tract today, looking forward to a healthy food and no alcohol day :)
  2. M

    Duromine Day 1

    Whoop whoop! Just weighed myself and I'm 85.8kg that's 1.3kg loss since Monday! Drank at the 4lts of water yesday and food wise I had - Breakfast - boiled egg ( didn't eat the yolk) Lunch - chicken salad Dinner - grilled chicken Side affects are still ongoing the only one that really gets...
  3. M

    Duromine Day 1

    My weightloss should read- Start weight 9th Jan 87.1kg Current weight 12th Jan 86.4 kg Total loss to date 0.7kg
  4. M

    Duromine Day 1

    Hi Shan! Thanks for joining in, it was getting lonely here! I'm not struggling with food at the moment but that's only because Ive only had to cook for myself this week. This does change tonight though so we will have to see how I get on. I've decided that although I took my first pill on...
  5. M

    Duromine Day 1

    Well yesterday went really well! I still feel as though I'm burning up but it's not unpleasant and my sleeping routine is shot, I'm averaging around 4 hours disturbed sleep a night. I also have a raging thirst. My food choices were a lot better Breakfast - a boiled egg Snack - an apple Lunch -...
  6. M

    Duromine Day 1

    Well day went well. I felt really hot all day but never hungry to the extent that I forgot to eat! It was my first day back at work so I was really busy, the day just flew by. I didn't eat correctly yesterday, as I wasn't prepared but I will today. Yesterdays food intake- Breakfast - nothing...
  7. M

    Duromine Day 1

    Well in hind-sight it wasn't the best idea to start my diet yesterday as I was at a party all day surrounded by wonderful food which I washed down with lots of cocktails lol. I only started yesterday because Im hoping the my sleeping pattern will (if it was going to be affected by the meds) get...
  8. M

    Duromine Day 1

    Well i thought i would start a journal here so i can track my progress and maybe even help others in the future during their journeys. Its my first day on 40mg of Duromine. I took it at 7am. My stats are - 8/1/12 - Day 1 87.1kg This is the second time i will have tried duromine the...
  9. M

    Duromine Day 1

    Hey So glad I have found this forum! What a great place to hang out and support others! I have an appointment with my GP on Thursday in hope that I can get duromine. I have been prescribed it before approx 12 months ago but was on a very low dosage. A friend of mine has recently tried...