Recent content by Kellyk2

  1. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 5

    No, nothing like that! Maybe it's what you are eating? More fibre or something like that?
  2. Kellyk2

    Duromine & Insomnia

    Wow thats amazing!!! Nice work - very excited to see your results at the end of the month too. Are you taking measurements or just the weight?
  3. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 3

    Hi - I think probably the best thing to do for all of us is to plan what we are going to eat the night before. My problem is not wanting to eat so I know I'm not having enough calories. I'm hoping by writing down bfast, lunch, dinner, its going to help keep me honest and make sure I do it...
  4. Kellyk2

    Duromine & Insomnia

    Thank you, thats really inspiring! Hopefully we will see similar results to you! I'm on day 5 and scales show a 4.1kg loss so wanting that to continue.
  5. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 5

    Perhaps try setting your alarm for 5am and taking the pill? I do it, and I manage to go back to sleep after so that may be worth trying?
  6. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 5

    What time are you taking your Duromine? I'm setting my alarm to take at 5.30am. First night I got about an hour sleep but now on day five, I'm getting about 5 hours a night. I'm not really feeling tired though so that's ok. If you are concerned about the heart palpitations then go see your...
  7. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 3

    Well I'm glad you went to the doc and they said you were ok. I told the chemist I was going to have "rest days" on the pills and he advised against it. He said that the medication levels in your body going up and down all the time will make any potential side effects worse. I don't know...
  8. Kellyk2

    Duromine & Insomnia

    Yes I was thinking that. The doc said she wants me to have at least 1000 calories. I'll see if I can stomach another smoothie in the afternoon. I can't believe how effective this medication is. I've gone from being hungry all the time to feeling sick at the sight or smell of food!
  9. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 3

    Heart palpitations are one of the known side effects. I'm on the 5th day and feeling great so I would stick it out for a bit longer if I were you. However as with everything, go see your doc if you are concerned. They will take your BP and make sure everything is a-ok Good luck
  10. Kellyk2

    Duromine & Insomnia

    I'm not managing to eat much either. I have a smoothie in the morning, which is about 500 calories. Have to force myself to eat two boiled eggs at lunch. Then I'm only managing about two bites of dinner. I know I'm not eating enough but I'm struggling to do anymore.
  11. Kellyk2

    Duromine & Insomnia

    Hi Guys Yes, Dave I had the same on the first day - I was so thirsty but could only take very small sips of water as if I had of taken big sips or gulped it, I would have been sick. Was very nauseous. Its fine now though - I'm on the 4th day and my only symptoms are insomnia and heartburn...
  12. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 1

    Im on day four and feeling great - the only bad side effect Im having is lack of sleep - around 4 hours a night. Its not bothering me so much, so its doable! Good luck - remember to drink plenty of water, and keep us updated
  13. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 3

    Hi Ladies I'm on day 3 too - the scales actually said a 3.5kg weight loss this morning but I know that's likely to fluctuate, so I'm not paying much attention to it at the moment. Looking forward to the 1st week measurements/weigh in though! The only real side effect I've had is lack of sleep -...
  14. Kellyk2

    Duromine Day 1

    Hi Everyone I started on the Duromine 30mg today and thought I would keep a diary here to keep me in check. I will update as often as I can – I’m known to waffle on a bit so apologies if I bore you to tears! As you may have seen in my Introduction, I’m 34 and I weigh 97.5kg. I only started...
  15. Kellyk2

    Can Your Body Become Immune To Duromine?

    Hi I've only started today so can't give you any advice from personal experience but if I were you, I would go see my doctor and see what they say about it. It's normal for any weight loss to plateau at some point though, so what dieticians and trainers usually advise is that you need to ramp...