Recent content by Keiley

  1. Keiley

    Blog: Keiley

  2. Keiley

    Day 2 by Keiley

    So far so good! 70.4kg yesterday (Day1), had salad roll at 3, nothing else. Started feeling a bit hungry after 7pm, so had 200mg Seroquel about 9:30pm, took maybe 90min to fall asleep. Woke up early, got up at 5:15am! Vacuumed before going to work. 68.7kg today
  3. Keiley

    Duromine vs Antidepressants

    I'm on 100mg Zoloft (Sertraline) and it's Day1 of 40mg Duro - I feel nothing, still hungry etc. Is the Antidepressant hindering the effects of Duro, can anyone please shed some light on this!? Thanks guys.