Recent content by Jessykah

  1. J

    Day 3

    Okay just weighed myself and I'm very happy with results. Friday 19th oct 58.8 yay! Although I did notice yesterday I did have a few more side affects I was a little spacey and bit nervous for about an hour at work but that only lasted a few hours but all else is great.
  2. J

    Duromine Day 4

    Okay great you'll be suprised how much you can do at the gym while on duromine since I started I've been lifting heavier and working out longer Believe in yourself you can do it ! Otherwise do it with a friend :) Yes keep me posted!
  3. J

    Duromine Day 4

    Hello first of all you must eat on it ! Think about it once u stop taking it will u be able to maintain not eating anything all day ? Deffiently not ur just going to stack it all back on! That's why u need to start training ur body for the long run while u have a little bit of a push you have to...
  4. J

    My progress on duromine

    Hello everyone my names Jess I'm 19 around 163 cms tall and my starting weight was 62 kilos. Please don't judge me I wanted to share with you all expirience so far. Basically I have been training and eating clean for over 2 months and when I say eating clean I mean I've had nothing I'm a very...
  5. J

    Blog: Jessykah