Recent content by Jazz

  1. J

    Duromine doesn’t work

    Hi 8Fox8 ... just replied to your posts with Drewondru87. But just wanted to say that I tried Jenny Craig in the past (5 years ago) and stuck to it religiously. I lost 5 kg in the first 5 weeks and then no more. I found that Jenny Craig food is full of heavy carbohydrates like pasta, potato...
  2. J

    Duromine and Other Medications

    Hello there! I can’t answer your queries about Glucomannan, I’ve never used it. But, after 7 days have you lost weight? If you have, it’s working! However, you have to eat more than 1000 cals per day. Believe me, eating less than 1200-1300 cals per day will very soon mean you will not lose any...
  3. J

    Duromine Second Time Round

    HNY Bam Bam!! Good luck with V2 of Duromine. It sounds like you have everything in order to begin this journey again. Having been on Duromine before you will be fully prepared for what’s ahead ... I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight!! I’ve just completed 3 months of Duromine and finished...
  4. J

    Duromine Month 1

    Hi starlet85 You are not losing weight because you are not eating enough calories. Your body has gone into starvation mode. This means you’re body is holding on to it’s stored fat because it’s preparing for a famine. YOU MUST eat approx 1100-1200 calories a day for your weight loss .... trust...
  5. J

    Duromine Month 2

    Hi girls I agree with missclaire 100%. I really think you need to increase your calorie intake to between 1100-1200 per day. I know it might sound scary to eat more when you’re trying to lose weight, but if you don’t eat enough your body will definitely go into starvation mode and your weight...
  6. J

    Comment by 'Jazz' in 'My Journey (Vegetarian, 25 and low self esteem)'

    Hi CM. Loved your story as it’s similar to mine (although I’m much older than you!). My SW was 83.9kg and I’m a vegetarian. I started Duromine 3 days ago (30mg), but will only be weighing in once a week. I also suffer from low self-esteem and and tend to value my self-worth on my weight - this...