Recent content by Houlio

  1. H

    Should I Keep Taking Duromine While I Have A Cold?

    Yes I get that feeling from time to time. I only feel that way for a day or two and it has long gaps in between. I've often wondered what it was all about though!
  2. H

    Can Alcohol Stop Duromine From Working?

    Moderation for sure! I never weigh myself the day after a few drinks unless I've been for a jog or walk before getting on the scales.
  3. H

    Can Alcohol Stop Duromine From Working?

    I hope you had a great time. I've found that since being on duramine my ability to drink large volumes has gone, also stronger alcohol like whiskey and bourbons make me feel rather sick. And by sick I mean while drinking them. I can have a few beers and enjoy them but that's about it. That's a...
  4. H

    Duromine Day 1

    Great effort!! It's a good feeling and also good motivation as the weight comes off! :)
  5. H

    Duromine Day 1

    Great start, just be mindful to get the energy levels throughout your journey. I noticed I hit a slump after about a week but made myself get through. All the energetic day catch up with you eventually. Keep drinking water to? :) Good luck...
  6. H

    Duromine Week 1

    Great work! Keep up the effort and you will see the reward! ;)
  7. H

    Duromine Day 2

    I'm in my 4th week now and would have to say the exercising is the biggest helper. I eat really well now but without exersice I don't think I would have lost as much weight each week. Hang in there!
  8. H

    Lack Of Sleep. Tips To Improve Your Sleep - [UPDATED 2021]

    I've been taking mine at 4:30 am, I also have been working 14-15 days to the sleekness has been minimal thus far. Some nights have taken a little longer to get to sleep though... Good luck !! :)
  9. H

    Duromine Day 3

    As mumofthree said, you need to be realistic. There is no way I could gut all the bad things from my diet and then stick to it after coming off Duromine. I'm keeping it real, my way. Good luck with your journey. Cheers.