Recent content by fatchic

  1. fatchic


    Month 5 Duromine (metermine) 40mgs- I haven't been on in a while.. I got pneumonia, went interstate, my sons grandmother passed away and life in general has just been getting in the way- but i didn't give up, oh no! My resolve is now stronger than ever. While in Melbourne i weighed myself and...
  2. fatchic

    Weigh in.

    Day fifty seven on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Ok so I'm out of credit for the moment so the web at large shall be spared my psychotic inane ramblings :). Had weigh in today and lost another 6kgs. YAY. That's 15kgs in the past 8 weeks and 26kgs in the past year, so yea I'm pretty fat wrapped :D...
  3. fatchic

    Honeymoon is over

    Day fifty four on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Today was a little, well, down right sucky :) After feeling relatively proud of myself and my efforts to avoid carbs all day yesterday, today i reverted to looking for a nearby rock i might crawl under and wait out the next decade of my life. $200...
  4. fatchic

    Carb free that's me

    Day fifty three on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Had a left over chicken shazlik for breakfast. Spent the morning cleaning and ate 4 rashers of picnic bacon for lunch. Did the Leslie Sansone Wednesday workout while was only 1 mile (1.6km) and then after sitting down for 45 minutes i started...
  5. fatchic

    Party prep

    Day fifty two on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Forgot breakfast today, did the 4 mile walk / workout and ate a mandarin.. I guess that qualifies as a late breaky :) my mum and little sister came over and i gave them a plate of cake each- the sooner the evil chocolate oozing thing is out of my...
  6. fatchic

    Just walk

    Day fifty one on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- So.. Ate carbs today- not cake, at least there's that. For breakfast i had a fruit salad made with kiwifruit, honey dew, rock melon, strawberries and fresh pineapple. Borrowed a Leslie Sansone Just walk ultimate 5 day walk plan dvd from the library...
  7. fatchic

    Let them eat cake

    Day fifty on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- I didn't eat any cake :D So happy with todays success. I was so close to caving.. So close. Woke up at 5.45am got dressed and prepared for little man to awake. Organised a special birthday breakfast for him, yoghurt and fruit instead of his typical toast...
  8. fatchic


    Day forty nine on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Had roughly 800 calories today.. Previously I wast attempting to stick between 500-700 calories but now I average out at between 700 and 950 calories a day which still puts me on a very low calorie diet as I was advised to be but is somewhat...
  9. fatchic


    Day forty eight on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Information is a wonderful thing. You are never so old you stop learning, even if it is just how one minute can differ from another. You learn something new everyday. Today I learnt that regardless of how hungry one may be after a day of eating...
  10. fatchic


    Day forty seven on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Didn't drink enough water today, only 1.5 litre. Had very little sleep last night as i was in bed after 2am and then up before 7am. I get cranky on no sleep :D. Had some frozen blueberries and a mandarin for breakfast with my tablets. First part of...
  11. fatchic

    Getting there

    Day forty six on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Had a hearty breakfast of bacon, cheese and pepperoni this morning, followed by a mandarin. Did a little over an hour on dance central 2.. I've noticed this too has stated less calories burnt for the same period of time than the previous game even...
  12. fatchic

    Duromine Month 2

    Hi Beachbum, not sure if you will see this if you have found another site already :) I prodominantly write in and scroll through the blogs so I hadn't seen your post previously. I think the way of this site is that the amount of comments or support you receive will tend to vary during differant...
  13. fatchic


    Day forty five on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- 3 litres of water today. Pepperoni slice with hommus and cheese for breakfast. Did just over an hour of dance central 2 today. This one seems to focus a little more on rnb and hiphop as opposed to the techno and dance type music in number one. I...
  14. fatchic

    Zumba rush

    Day forty four on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- Had lots of water to try and hydrate myself this morning. Had some spicey pepperoni for breaky (2 slices) went to the library and borrowed 4 cardio workout dvds. No idea why the idea didn't occur to me earlier. Had a late lunch at around 2pm, a few...
  15. fatchic


    Day forty three on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs- It has been an interesting week.. Many ups and downs have created a breeding ground for bad food decisions, disasters and emotional turmoil. The tablets seemed to be becoming less and less efective so I stopped taking them on thursday last week and...