Recent content by Evergreen

  1. Evergreen

    Duromine Day 5

    LOL Thanks Kate, One day at a time right? Have a wonderful weekend!
  2. Evergreen

    Duromine Day 5

    Day six - 1.5 kgs down
  3. Evergreen

    Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

    At least you know you not the only one thats moving at snails pace.... and i have an op in april so i was hoping to drop alot faster than i am. its super depressing. but im trying to remind myself that any progress is progress even if its slow, its frustrating but im doing all i can. i really...
  4. Evergreen

    Dosing, overdosing, and treatment duration

    Im on 30mg too, i havent had the great weightloss like everyone else, i sleep fine and also only have dry mouth. How much weight do you have to loose? if not alot then that could be it as well. i have about 26kgs to loose and i have lost 1.5kgs in the last week, Also maybe your current diet...
  5. Evergreen

    Newbie here! Im Excited to Start.

    Hey!!! Stay this motivated and the results will speak for itself! Good Luck on your journey!
  6. Evergreen

    Duromine Day 5

    Hi Guys, So i have been reading alot of the posts here. And i decided to post. i am scheduled for a breast reduction in April and wanted to loose as much weight as humanly possible before then. In Jan i made changes, i started eating better and training 4 times a week. But after only loosing...