Recent content by Catherine C

  1. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Hi all! Just checking in! It’s been 4 weeks since I started... will go another 4 weeks.... and hope I’m happy with the results... side effects all gone ... and most days feeling good! I’ve decided to banish the scale (not sure it even works properly anyway).... as I’m fitting into all my...
  2. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Thank you April!! Indeed I will work on this mindset of mine!!! Because you are so right!!!!
  3. C

    Duromine Day 1

    So refreshing from hearing from you all! I Relate to so much of what you all write! Thank you! So I'm 2 weeks in (I think? Life is so busy!) and I've lost 2 kilos I think, maybe a bit more. [I'm 170cms tall, started at 86.5 kilos, now 84 point something] I'm sticking to 1200 cals per day, and...
  4. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Anyone grumpy in the evenings sometimes? Is it because I'm "hangry" ?? Find I'm a bit irratible and impatient ... after work ... kids ... messy house ... maybe because I've cut way down on wine
  5. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Hells YES!!!! Love that! So true!
  6. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Too kind! Thank you April!! I've eaten the best I ever have!! I aim to improve exercising (I do keep busy) but otherwise I know I have done pretty well... will weigh again next Friday .... thank you!!!!!
  7. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Tummy sorted! Phew! First weigh in after 1 week. Lost virtually nothing! Strange as my clothes are a little loser .... disappointing but not going to worry too much about it, just keep going!!
  8. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Ahhhh you are right, good thinking!!! Thank you!!!
  9. C

    Duromine Day 1

    I do like it and it's on my grocery list this weekend!!!!!!
  10. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Omg thanks... I have a history of this ... but not so bad!! It's been 3 days! Yikes! I cannot do prunes (barf!) will try kiwi... have been using a softener and lots of water but nothing !!!!!
  11. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Yup! Will weigh Friday AM!!! I'm 170cms tall @ 86 kilos ...I'd be happy with 75 kilos as my final goal I think?? (I need to be realistic) ... so here's hoping I'm on my way!! Although new side effect - constipation .... lovely!!
  12. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Same same same as me!! Very cool! And Well done for losing too! Keep going!!!!! First weigh in is Friday!!! Eek!!!! me
  13. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Hi there! Not a whole lot of sleep the first 3 nights but seems to be improving now. Side effects fading as well ( headache, thirst etc) Not weighing myself until 1 week in... in hopes of a little loss! Appetite/ cravings certainly decreased and my nightly red wines have stopped (just don't...
  14. C

    Duromine Day 1

    Yup, is women sure do rock!!!! But I'm very jealous of your shoe collection, might have to go shopping! I'm impressed!!! Shoes instead food?! YES!!! I'm cleaning like crazy and wondering if I will sleep at all tonight??! Yowsers!!!!!
  15. C

    Duromine Day 1

    You are AWESOME!! Thank you! Yes, you are right... was "thinking it" rather than actually feeling hungry ... currently cleaning the house like a mad woman hahah wonder if I'll sleep Tonight??