week 4 - and 1 month summary

  • Author letsdothis
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
SW- 85.5
W1- 83.4
W2- 83
W3- 81.9
W4- 80.7
1 month kg loss: 4.8kg
1monthcm loss:
Bust- .5
Waist- 3
Hips- 3
L arm- 2.5
R arm-.5
L leg- 2.4
R leg- 2
Total body cm= 13.4

Okay didn't quite get into the 79's like I had hoped, but it's so close I can feel it. Had a house full of "the cold" - I seem to be the only one left with it, so I can't say that I expected to get to my goal with too little food, water and exercise. It seems that every week I can pin point where I have gone wrong (well where I could improve and why) ... reading through my blogs makes me realize although I am motivated and committed I am no where near giving this a 100%
Starting month 2 on 40mg so here's hoping some big changes kick in.
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Going great guns!! Nearly 5kg in 4 weeks is worth a happy dance. Not to jinx you but the 7's are almost here. It's funny, this is the first time that I have ever blogged, and like you, I find that reading back through my weekly blog helpful.
Realisation and self admittance is the difference between wishing and achieving!!! Well done on your first month ;) awesome loss :p

I look forward to following your results of this second month :laughing:

Thanks guys, yes they are very close I'm aiming for half way next week he he! Very happy so far, I came into this journey with the aim of 1kg loss per week, and yes I have realized for quite awhile what I need to be doing, but admitting, no I'm not one for that usually - no more excuses! I'll be sure to share lots more positives :)
Kezza, I'm not one to blog normally, but I find weight loss support forums are a great way to vent my journey; the good and the bad, with people who are the most capable of understanding.... my family are supportive- so i am lucky there, but not in a lets constantly discuss your weightloss - lol i got my first compliment today was nice.. and I love the anonymity of blogging :)

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1 min read
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