Reevaluate - Refocus - Retry

  • Author NewBeginnings
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I was on Duromine about two years ago and did really well the first couple of weeks. Thinking back now I can’t remember why I stopped using it, was I out of my mind or what?! So fellow Durominers as of this morning I am back on the Duromine wagon.
Watching a program The Fat Doctor and listing to people who are severely morbidly obese (BMI’s of 60+) their stories rang so true in my ears and that shocked me as I need to lose 45kg to get my BMI in the “normal” range. What resonated the most with me is that they have the same “problem” with foods as I do: eating mindlessly, eating for every emotion and then the effects that has on one’s life: not being social, embarrassment, frustration and the feeling of being a total failure. It is scary has to how quickly things (and your weight) can just get completely out of control without even noticing it. And one morning you wake up: obese, alone and unhappy.
So with all this in mind I have to reevaluate my situation. Being this size is not health for me mentally, physically and emotionally. It is ruining my life!
Refocus my time, energy and resources. Since insomnia and energy is a side effect use this to get to know my true self, what are my values, what do I want for myself. Sort out my life as it may and hopefully get to the root of my self-destruction mode.
Retry every day! Make the best decision for myself just for today, don’t look too far into the future. Taking one day at a time will make the future better (I hope!).
So here goes!
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Welcome to th forum, and the journey we are travelling together your not alone:) The forum is great for support and ideas .. I use my fitness pal on my iPad & iPhone and count my calories every day... All I can say is be kind to yourself & stay motivated have a great week ;)
good for u for trying half way to your goal by having made the choice to face your fat once again..the mental challenge is more or less sorted out now, it is the other half you need to do now .that is eating right and exercise...we all here wanting the same feel free to kerp sharing your highs and lows with us..all the best newbeginnings... :)
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Thanks ladies. It is nice to have a forum where we can share tips, feelings and frustration. Being in a family and group of friends where I am the only seriously over weight person it is difficult to talk to people about this as the simply don't understand.

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