Hashimoto's Disease and Weight loss

  • Author Estelle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello Everyone!
There are so many blogs out there about people struggling with Hashimoto's disease. I can honestly say the struggle is REAL! I'm a mommy of 2 girls and I am 35 years old. I have been struggling with an underactive thyroid (Hypothyroidism) since I was 19 years old. If my children could write something on my blog they would probably tell you that I am a hibernating bear, always ready for a nap :) I can sleep anywhere, anyhow and for any period of time. I LOVE sleep! I think the thing I miss most from my childhood is afternoon naps. ;)

It was only until about 2 years ago that I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's after an ENT biopsied nodules in my goiter. I probably have had it for many years but no GP ever bothered to check my anti-bodies when they did bloods for my TSH levels.
I have been using Eltroxin 0.1mg since I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 2001 but my GP recently changed my dosage to 0.1mg/ 0.15mg alternating every other day. I should after 4 weeks start to notice "THE CHANGE". Anyway.... I could not wait any longer, not 4 weeks, not even a day so I decided to get a script for Duramine 30mg.

I am pretty active, exercise 4 - 5 times a week and my diet is 85% healthy, as any patient with Hashi's will tell you your body is intolerant for most nice things like gluten, wheat and diary. But I an most definitely not a health freak and do not follow a paleo diet. I try to keep things healthy for my family as far as possible and choose to prepare fresh veggies and fruits rather than any processed foods. My husband is a freak of nature, he looks at a diet and drops 5kg so he really can afford to have that piece of chocolate every night... I, on the other hand look at wine and gain 5kg... but that does not stop me from indulging in a chockie or some pudding over the weekends, yes it does have gluten and most definately refined sugars which I am not supposed to have. I am a real pudding face :p suppose it's like honey to a hibernating bear right?

So, herewith my starting stats:

Date: 01 May 2017
Height: 1.65m
Weight: 74kg
Age: 35
Goal: 60kg

I will try to take some pictures and post some updates on a weekly basis. Today was my first day taking Duromine and I can already see that my h2o intake is much better. Sleep won't be a problem for me, lol, seeing that insomnia might be one of the side affects listed.

Please let me know if any of you had any success with Duromine and Hashi's. Support would be GREATLY appreciated.


Hello Estelle! Even though I don’t have Hashimoto’s disease, I would still like to welcome you to the forum and wish you a very successful weight loss story. I know some people with underactive thyroid, and I know how much they struggle to lose weight. However, the hormones are something you can’t outgame. I can see you’re already leading a healthy and active lifestyle. I just hope that Duromine will help you get rid of cravings for sweet. If they are the reason for your weight gain, you will start seeing the results quite quickly. However, if your problem is due to hormones, and you still have 4 weeks till the effect of hormone-replacing therapy “hits” you, you should continue pushing it harder than you are even if you don’t see extremely high results in the very first week, or second. Your body just needs time. Besides, you are not packed with 30 kg of excess weight, so you will have to work hard and consistent. I am sure you can do it all, and I have no doubt you will achieve your goal, if you stick to a good plan.

Love your attitude and I feel you’re a very positive person. So, smile, add more fun to your everyday life and enjoy the changes you are about to see in your body. Best of luck! Hope, you will write regularly, which will help you stay more focused and aware of your progress. Be well!
Hi April,
Thank you so much for the great support and advice. My sweet tooth is definitely a contributor to my weight gain but I mostly think it is my hormones that cause my struggle to lose the weight I have gained. To be honest, I don't want to "watch" the scale as I am building muscle underneath my layer of hibernating fat but I do want to eventually see the scale drop below 70 and then below 65. :)

I see every day as an opportunity to change.

Today is my second day on Duromine, I had a slight headache in the afternoon but nothing worth complaining about. I did not really feel hungry throughout the day but I forced myself to eat small meals to still have a great workout last night. The heaps of energy I had is obviously an added bonus.
Yay for Duromine !!

Will keep posting...

Have a super day!!
Good morning everyone,

So.... you know when you wake up and just feel thin? I ran to the loo and then got on the scale... I joke you not, down 700g :)) Yes, I am aware it might only be some water weight but at this stage any weight down counts and helps me stay motivated..

I had a grueling workout session last night and my entire body feel sore today but whoop whoop - the weight is starting to drop. My aim is to be as close to 72kg by the end of next week. I just need to get through my sugary weekend without cheating, lol.

mwah... have a super day!
Oh wow! What a lovely post! Morning to you, too! Congratulations on the first super-motivating result! Keep it up with exercising. Make sure you don’t overdo it. Consistency! (Imagine Gordon Ramsay here. =))) ) Don’t forget about the water and have an amazing day!!!
Good morning!
I jumped on the scale and I am down to 72,1kg :) whoop whoop!! How amazing? I just need to be really strict over the weekend to continue this great weight loss journey!!
I will definitely do a new progress blog on Monday to report on my week's progress..

Have a super super weekend! :cool:
What a lovely morning it is for you. indeed! Congratulations, dear Estelle!!! You’re going in a great pace! You’re just 0.1 kg away from your first mini goal =)) But the week is not over yet, so now it’s the most harsh challenge approaching… the weekend. =))

Did you hear anything about the cheat days idea? It’s days, when, during a weight loss diet, people schedule one cheat meal not more often than once a week. Thus, it gets better not to cave in during the remaining period of time. So… I would strongly suggest you to schedule a cheat day for… the next weekend! If you really really feel you will die without something delicious you will see this weekend, simple eat it in the morning (next day, if it is already evening when this thing appears) and exercise a bit more AND make the rest of your meals 100% healthy and well though over.

You have to concentrate on one thought: you have very little time with Duromine to reach your goal. So push it hard now, while you have this aid. =)

Stay happy and motivated!! Have a wonderful day and a fantastic super-active weekend!!!
Hi April,
Thank you so much, I do know about the cheat meal option to actually accelerate weight loss by tricking the body to think there is excess food to burn :)) but as you rightfully said, I have limited time to use Duromine so I would really want to make most of it util I REALLY need to cheat...

I love your feedback, it is very inspiring!

Chat again soon!
Good morning,
Some much needed feedback :)

I had a great weekend, rested a little with our workouts and food intake was not terrible, however, I did not have a "clean" weekend :( I got on the scale this morning and my weight is still the same, which is actually great considering that I have cheated over the weekend and did not gain...

Week 2 has begun and I need to work extra hard to lose even more weight than last week. The challenge is on!!

Hope everyone is having a super week! Will keep posting :0
Heeey Estelle! Well done on not gaining any weight during the weekend!!! Keep it up! May this week become an extremely active and productive for you!!! Cheers!
Quick update, I have not weighed again, but I feel lighter if that makes any sense. I decided to only weigh once a week, this will keep me motivated and not so obsessed with the weight on the scale.

I sometimes wonder if my body gets "use" to the diets I do and if changing it up a little bit would be more beneficial to me. I'm not talking about Duromine but more with the food choices I make. Like for instance right now I eat healthy with about 4 portions protein, 3 veggies, 2 fats, 2 carbs, 3 diary and 1 fruit allowance per day. I have read about so many diets - like the metabolism diet or the soup diet, I can't help to wonder if throwing in a diet like that for a week or two would be beneficial. I am aware that these diets are not long term diets and the weight lost on these are temporary...but maybe maybe it will help me break the 70kg mark....what do you think?
Hey! Thanks for the update! Ok, it’s a good decision to weigh once a week. You know yourself better and what you need to keep focused and motivated.

All these short-term diets are usually designed in such a way that you have to deprive your body from either a group of products, or from an essential substance you need. None of these are good, if your aim is to maintain weight after the weight loss course ends. Out of all the diets out there, the only thing I really do use and can at times advise is the calories alternation. I.e. if you usually consume 1200 calories a day, you can have one day when you either eat lower amount or higher by 10% of what you usually eat, and then continue with the caloric value you always have. It helps when you hit the plateau. Again, I like having fasting days, once in a week, just to keep the shape and let my body rest a bit from food. But I consider this to be a good measure already after the weight loss is over. However, I know that some people do use such days when they lose weight.

I myself have tried so many diets I was tired to count. And all I usually got was the yo-yo effect. we always want to do it faster. Faster doesn’t mean better. Weight loss, to be a good and consistent one, should be as healthy as possible. You can’t make your hair grow faster than it usually does. Natural processes…

Besides, diets end in caving very often. Don’t deprive yourself of anything, just do everything in a consistent way, and the results aren’t long to come. Best of luck and a great day to you!!!
Aww thank you April, great advice. It really is great to see things in another perspective. This is what is so awesome about blogs and sharing mindsets.

I will stick to this and maybe include a fast day once a week to see how my weight loss will improve :)

Have a great evening!
Morning Estelle! I just found you a Hashimoto buddy. =) No offense… I mean, we have a new user registered with the same hormone disorder. She has a little more to lose, but I see she wants it very much. Hope you guys will get along and support each other / share your routines. Have a lovely day and hope you keep feeling lighter and lighter with each new day!!

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