First Course Down

  • Author DanB
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone,

Have always been a big guy, worsened since my early 20s. A month ago I approached my Doctor for some guidance assistance. Discussed Duromine and decided to give it a go. Started on 30mg, started kicking into effect day three.

Did have some side effects at the start, dry mouth, constipation, and at one stage became a nocternal creature. I am happy to say, these have all calmed down.

The only side effect now is my clothes are getting too lose. Was 146kg, after 1 month now 138kg and feeling great. Is suprising how well it works, I exercise 3 times a week, meal sizes and my huge craving to eat has reduced.

One thing I have noticed recently is a dramatic increase in my sweating, especially in my arm pits and feet, but hey, this is only short term and is a small discomfort. I am now on my second course, up to 40mg and will review again once these are complete. My goal is to get down to between 115kg to 120kg (I am 6'3") and back to a high confidence level.

OK some peoples reactions to the drug varies, maybe I am a lucky one, but if you are having no luck in dropping weight/size and have no healthissues preventing you from using it, hey why not give it a go.

No Regrets
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