A Manifesto Worth Sharing

  • Author CandyM
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Found this online this morning and love it...

Comparing yourself
Do you look into the mirror and feel depressed or frustrated with the image that's looking back at you?
Open any gossip or glossy magazine, or watch just about any TV channel, and you'll be inundated with images of beautiful, slim and sexy women.
Reject the media hype
These unrealistic media images have a way of making us feel inferior.
They offer us false promises and overnight miracles in order to look a certain way.
But that's just hype. It's not realistic. If you really want to start feeling more confident and sexier within your own body while you're on your personal weight loss journey, reject the hype.
Become a rebel
Become a rebel and decide to stop comparing yourself to celebrities and other women who have completely different circumstances to you.
Take another look at yourself in the mirror. Smile with kindness, love and compassion. And then repeat this manifesto...
An inspirational weight loss manifesto
“I reject the notion that beauty, desirability, and worthiness are one size fits all.
I think happy people are the healthiest people. It’s not enough to just look good on the outside. I want to feel good on the inside, too. I will give my one, precious body the respect it deserves.
We’ve been together a long time, and we’ve got miles to go. When my body is strong, I am strong. When my body feels good, I feel good. Wherever I go, my body goes, too. When I take care of my body, it takes care of me.”
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