So today was day 30! And it's the second time I weighed myself. I lost 8kilos in 17 days and now 2 weeks later, I lost an additional 4kilos. So a total of 12kg. I was hoping for more but still not back at the gym like I used to. Also being a poor student I couldn't say no to my Flatmate's parents when they took us out and I had a lovely piece of steak with chips (was a special - beggers can't be choosers) and I ate a bit more carbs in these 2 weeks...
So many of my friends say they have notice my weight loss and said They can see it in my legs and face. So I can take better #selfies now! Haha
So many of my friends say they have notice my weight loss and said They can see it in my legs and face. So I can take better #selfies now! Haha